A review by postitsandpens
Rogue by Gina Damico


What a satisfying ending to a really great series. This book was decidedly darker than I'd been anticipating, considering the previous two installments, but it fit with the narrative, and did a great job of tying up loose ends. I loved Lex so, so much in this book - the soul-searching, realizations, and ultimate choices she made were perfect, in my opinion, and had my heart breaking for her. I was a tad bit annoyed with Uncle Mort, on the other hand, though, as I dislike the trope of miscommunication as a plot device, but I understand why he had to hold some of his secrets close to his chest. We get some back story in this book as well, some questions answered, and honestly I just really like how this series finale was plotted out and put together. Highly recommend this series to everyone!