A review by elle_est_belle
The Accidental Anglican: The Surprising Appeal of the Liturgical Church by Todd D. Hunter


As someone who has been increasingly drawn from the hand-raising, contemporary music Baptist culture of her birth to the silent rhythms of Anglican liturgy, I was attracted to this book. However, if you're looking for an analysis and compilation of why people are flocking back to liturgy, this is not that book. While I appreciate Todd Hunter's honesty with his spiritual journey, the book seemed to lack depth. It felt very surface-level, as if he had written it as an essay in a day. Hunter frequently repeats phrases to try to explain his meaning, but my only reaction was "Yes, you keep saying that, but what does that mean?" It felt as though the author was skirting around what he truly meant to say.

I give this book 3 stars because I did find helpful the invitation to consider the mosaic of my own spiritual life (Hunter uses mosaic imagery throughout the book). Would I have found it less useful if I were not already attending an Anglican church? I can't say, because I believe that a bit of self-reflection and self-awareness is crucial to personal growth. So I would say go ahead and give this book a read, but know that it is not an all-inclusive answer key to the question "Why liturgy?"