A review by readwithanerd
Today Tonight Tomorrow by Rachel Lynn Solomon


5/5 Stars

I don’t usually read contemporary but when I heard about this book on TikTok the next day I went to the store and got it… and it was totally worth it.

What I liked:

There is so much that I liked about this book so I’m going to split it up into categories.

Characters: I loved how all these characters were unique from what you see in other books: red head, freckles, frizzy curly hair, not tall but not short, etc. both the main characters (Neil and Rowan) have realistic traits that are common with the audience. The mask that Neil wears and the expectations of Rowan are not only stated but it is also shown throughout the book. I enjoyed how the personal problems that the characters go through isn’t just a subplot but part of who they are and how it AFFECTS their day to day life!! I feel like in other books a character would have a personal problem but that’s it.. it’s not really mentioned again until it was needed again, but in this book it was always there and you see how it affects the characters judgments, especially Rowan.

Stigma: I love how this book is not afraid to talk about important topics that most people look away from. This books talks about the importance of have the conversation about sex to parents, and your significant other and how it something that takes time and is not just something to do for fun but how it is something MEANINGFUL!! I like how Rowan was not afraid to talk about it to anyone and encouraged people to do the same. I love how this book talks about the treatment of Jews in America and how these treatments affect these characters, it makes you stop and think. Lastly, Women… Rowan never hesitated to EXPLAIN how women are treated differently and how some topics that are common for men are frowned upon for women.

Time: I love the concept of time that is presented in this book… I liked how the chapters are not numbers (like chapter 1,2,3,etc) but it’s time like a clock (12:30 pm, 1:45 pm, 5:51 am,etc) . This flows well with the idea of how it was the last day of high school.

Fluffy: this book was full of fluff from beginning to end (who doesn’t love a rivals to lovers trope) I found that I was smiling the ENTIRE time and I was fine with it

The yearbook…. I cried… idk why but I did..and I’m fine with it.

What I did not like:

I can’t think of anything that was large enough to talk about...I would have like a map but I could easily look up a map of Seattle.
Ooohhh I KNOW what I did not like… I did not like some things Rowan should say to Neil, but it was part of the story so it’s something that can’t be changed lol.

Overall, this book has a close place in my heart because I connected with Rowan about the connection she has with high school and how hard it was to say goodbye forever, which I feel like many people can understand one way or another. I feel like people can learn at least one thing from reading this book.