A review by xliterati
Save Me by Jenny Elliott


This book was just not my cup of tea. At all.

I think the most obvious problem I had with this book was that the writing took itself WAY too seriously for my liking. Almost immediately we're pulled into Cara's world of whale watching. Though she seems slightly interesting enough, not much is established about her before we're thrown heels first into an encounter with David, Cara's supposed soulmate. I mean she literally feels a 'connection' when their hands touch? I'm all for larger than life descriptions of encounters with soulmates in the YA genre, but this one felt completely forced and awkward.
Spoiler Not to mention we later find out David is actually her new student teacher and THAT is the greatest source of tension between them.
Cara's mother (who seems to be the only voice of reason in the entire book) makes some VERY important points in regards to Cara and David's relationship, namely the power imbalance between the two. I'm not sure what it is with the YA genre and its fascination with writing teenage girls with grown men, but it's very irksome.

This book seemed to have too much going for it all at once, and none of it was interesting. The characters came off completely one dimensional, the writing was choppy at best, and the descriptions fall flat leaving the reader in a haze of uninterest. I'm not even sure how I managed to finish this, but probably won't ever be picking it up again.