A review by heabooknerd
Castor by Jaclyn Osborn


This is only book two and this series is becoming a favorite for me because I loved CASTOR just as much as the previous book! I loved the mix of paranormal, action, and romance and Jaclyn Osborn balances the plot with the romance really well. With the upcoming battle with Lucifer's son fast approaching, our 7 Nephilim brothers are trying to find allies in the other Nephilim groups and this sets the basis for the book.

After being captured and tortured in Hell, Castor is spiralling; but when he starts a fling with dragon shifter Kyo he finds a measure of peace. I loved these two together and they were the sweetest even when they were busting each other's chops and teasing. They were surprisingly tender together and I loved every second! Castor is pierced, flirty, and a touch wild but he's all about protecting humanity and fighting alongside his brothers. And I absolutely swooned every time Castor called Kyo "little dragon".

Kyo is reluctant to start anything serious but ever since he helped the brothers rescue Castor and Simon from Hell, he's been intrigued by Castor. Kyo was more reserved but he also has a bit of wildness that makes him a perfect match for Castor. But Kyo isn't just any dragon shifter, he's the Prince of the water dragon clan and even though he left home so he could live his own life he can't completely avoid all responsibility as a Prince.

Castor's duty to his brothers and Kyo's duty to his clan creates some heartbreaking tension and angst for this couple and Osborn completely shattered my heart with how emotional CASTOR got in the second half. I just wanted to hug these two and tell them that everything would work out in the end. Thankfully Osborn mended my heart in the most beautiful way and even dropped some great development for the next couple! I can't wait for more in this series because I'm loving these characters so much and I'm completely invested in their stories.

Content Warning: references to kidnapping and torture

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Favorite Quotes:

“You’re making my head spin, little dragon,”