A review by deannasworld
Dangerous Promise by Megan Hart


When I read the blurb for this story, I was instantly intrigued. An enhanced female bodyguard and the man she's sent to protect. On top of that, I've heard good things about Megan Hart and her writing, so I was interested in dipping in and reading her work. Unfortunately, while this story had a lot of potential, it did not deliver for me. For starters, this is a series which follows Ewan and Nina through a number of books. It was not what I expected so things play out a lot more slowly than I anticipated. I wouldn't have minded as much if the dialogue and interactions between Ewan and Nina hadn't been quite so stilted and stuffy. While there was a simmering attraction between the two, the writing lacked flow and emotion, and the pacing was a lot slower than I liked. While there isn't outright antagonism between Ewan and Nina, there's certainly a lot of conflict. I didn't enjoy reading Ewan and Nina fighting with each other so often. Ewan doesn't like enhanced people and Nina is trying not to be attracted to him while doing her job of protecting him. Little does Nina know that Ewan is the one responsible for the tech in all her enhancements. I'm pretty sure that revelations are going to cause waves in Ewan and Nina's relationship. I think I should have been more careful in reading the blurb of this book before deciding to read it. Not because of the book itself but because of the subsequent books all following the same couple. I tend to be a lot more selective of stories which follow the same couple across multiple books.

Deanna's World

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