A review by mybookishdelights
Heir in Exile by Danielle Bourdon


I really enjoyed this one. More intrigue, more twisty plot points. Angst. Romance. What more could you want. I will say this though,
the addition of the brother that was malformed was weird. It felt like a Sloth moment from Goonies. This brother's part was too short to really feel any emotion when they just killed him off towards the end. I did think the sadness and regret the two brothers felt as a result was well-written, but I didn't feel anything for the death of this other brother itself. Which is disappointing. Should have kept him in longer so I could have grown more attached to him. The revolt of the people at the end was kind of over the top too. I still liked it, but it was kind of like an "oh, okay. That's convenient." moment for me. I'm pretty sure kingdoms don't work that way, but whatever. Also, every time nausea was mentioned in regards to Chey, it was soooo obvious she was pregnant. And she didn't even think about the possibility which was annoying. There wasn't even a "well maybe I'm pregnant" just an automatic "Oh it must be the flu." That just wasn't realistic to me for someone who is having regular sex. Unless she's incredibly naive. Which this character isn't.

I am still enjoying this series enough to want to continue on. I'm not sure what more could happen antagonist-wise with the ending of this book, but I'm still interested.

Reread? Probably

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