A review by sade
Rosemary's Baby by Ira Levin


♪ i want you but not for your devil side♪

Right so pretty sure everyone knows the gist about Rosemary's Baby. It's one of those books made into movies that even though you've never watched or read it, you basically know the whole story. This for me, was like feeling in the holes.
Loved the book and fairly short. i can say the only thing that really bugged me about this book was the whole "Negro" thing in the book. Like every time the author had to refer to a black person, he'd add Negro to the description.

"The elevator - oak paneled with a shining brass handrail all around - was run by a uniformed Negro boy"

"The elevator stopped and the Negro boy, smiling..."

"earlier on weekdays a bevy of Negro laundresses..."

It's actually something i've noticed a lot of that these old books do when describing a black person.There's always that description there that makes your eye brows go up.

Besides that, was a pretty good read, and that ending. seriously WTF!!!!.

Moral of the story: Don't be a rosemary guys. I mean Rosemary was bloody naive like holy shit that woman was sloooooowwwwwwwww to catch on. Also being polite is liable to make you an easy prey for crazy witches..