A review by mindforbooks
Lying with Scorpions by Aleksandr Voinov


How have I never reviewed this book??

Still one of my favourites even after all this time.

One of the things I like best about this book is seeing Kendras learn that love isn't hero worship. Let's face it, the feelings he has for the men in his life haven't been exactly clear cut. We see Steel trying to own him in book one and we also see Kendras look at Adrastes, his rescuer, as if he is infallible.

These aren't the best building blocks for relationships and I think Kendras is so lost he doesn't understand that he deserves more. Until Graukar that is. A man who treats him as his equal and is patient with him and kind to him. Who treats him with respect and gives him the truth even when it's not easy to hear.

"'To take the measure of a man, watch not how he treats his friends, watch how he treats a conquered foe.’ This, now, is the first moment I’m afraid of Adrastes of Fetin.”

Looking through my highlighted quotes I see that the majority of them are Graukar quotes. He is so wise and I just find him and Kendras to be the most romantic of romances.

“You’re staying here, aren’t you?”

“Nowhere I’d rather be.”

*le sigh*

I actually think that the closest Kendras had to the kind of relationship he has with Graukar is his relationship with the Medic and it makes his memories of him all the more bittersweet.

This book also has Runner and yet again we see how different a man Kendras is compared to his predecessor. Kendras isn't exactly what we would call 'smart'. He doesn't understand the politics of the world he finds himself in. Subterfuge is definitely not his forte and he can be naive but he is so bloody loyal and brave and just so human that it is impossible not to love him and seeing what he does for Runner makes him one of my all time favourite characters.

I really want to dive into A Taste for Poison right away but I'm also kind of scared so I'll wait until Monday but I'm loving being back in this world.

Memory of Scorpions trilogy will be rereleased on the following dates:

Scorpion: 23 December 2018

Lying with Scorpions: 23 December 2018

A Taste for Poison: 23 December 2018

I originally read these books in 2014 added them to my favourites and gave them all 5 stars. I am rereading as a beta reader for the re-issued books.
Review to follow but this was just perfection.

Without a doubt one of the best I've read this year!! Feel unbelievably sad that I've finished it.