A review by naaytaashreads
Master Professor by Tara Sue Me


There are two men out there who care deeply about you. One asked you to marry him and one risked his job. You have a choice to make. Choose wisely and for the right reasons. Don't let a little inconvenience stop you."

I feel like this is definitely a new territory of erotica romance that I am stepping into.
Hence, I can't really compare and understand myself if I enjoy the read and see what I think of it.
I definitely have to read more similar reads than I can know, but it was a good read.

I like it and didn't really love it. It wasn't as wow as I hope for it to be.
From the plotline, I was entertained, swooned and had a good time reading it.
Coming into a BDSM topic, it was definitely very light; which I am thankful for as I haven't read a genre like this before. So coming into it easy was a good step, like testing the waters first you know.

I enjoyed the simplicity of Tara Sue Me's writing. It was very simple, easy, and straight to the point. It wasn't a chaotic plotline, we don't have many side characters and it was definitely very main character focused which I enjoyed.

I was excited it is a forbidden romance and we do follow that storyline however I wished it was more played into it. More spiciness, more drama and more forbidden tense.
The plotline jumps around a lot here and there, it was a good balance of POV, and also a sneak peek of the second book, which I can't wait to dive into.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. If I could go back and redo it, I'd do it differently. I lied. You're not just a student to me. And I hope you'll forgive me. Come back to me. Let me show you how much I love you."