A review by bookaddictreviews
Broken With You by J. Kenner


THIS BOOK! It was different in the best way possible. I will be honest, I didn’t read the blurb. I went in completely blind and it was AMAZING! This story was completely unexpected and I loved every single minute of it.

Denise works for Stark Security and if you read the first book in the series you met her and know her as Quince’s partner. Mason is Denise’s husband, he has also been deep undercover. Denise had no idea where he was, if he was okay or really anything about him. That is until she received a phone call that changed her life.

This story broke my heart. Poor Denise. I seriously wanted to hug her so many times throughout the story. I can’t even begin to imagine all the emotions she went. She was finally able to be with the man she loves and he didn’t remember her and she couldn’t even tell him the truth. I just kept yelling at Mason to remember Denise. To remember his wife. I loved that despite not having any memories there was something familiar about Denise, that he was drawn to her. Their chemistry and their love was HOT.

I was not expecting this story to be so emotional. It was heartbreaking, it was full of loss and pain, but also there was so much love and joy. It was the perfect storm of emotions and a MUST READ!