A review by tinkcourtney
Between Sinners and Saints by Marie Sexton


Sweet and profound

There is something so amazing about seeing a guy who only ever has casual, meaningless encounters truly fall for someone and become so tender and gentle, putting their needs above his own. And that gentleness was needed, because the other character was pretty traumatized.

This book was beautiful, and I loved seeing the friendship between Levi and Jaime gradually grow and deepen into more. The inability of Levi’s family to accept his “sinful lifestyle” was frustrating, so it was good to see at least most of them eventually coming around.

I loved this passage that the title was taken from:

“I think you want very much to make this black and white—to make us all out to be sinners or saints. But it’s just not that simple. I think what you need to accept is that, just maybe, we’re all something else. Maybe we’re all something in between.”