A review by mbenzz
The Wife by Meg Wolitzer


This book was pretty good. It had its' moments, but some of it did drag a little. I loved reading about Smith college in the 1950s and how Joan and Joe first came to meet. I wasn't very interested in anything that happened in Finnland.

The ending of this book left me a little irritated though. I finished it thinking..."What the heck?? Why did I read through all that just to end up here?" It seemed like the easy way out. There was no real confrontation, no big fight, no getting it all out.

But it was the last line in the book that did it for me. It contradicted the entire book. What she says in the last line is NOT how she feels throughout the whole book. It really felt like a waste. But overall, besides the ending, those last 5-10 pages, it was a decent read. As I said...it has it's moments.