A review by thindbooks
Lucky Charm by Anne-Marie Meyer


This story is loosely based on Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift. The story follows an aspiring singer looking to further her career and decides to fake date her long-time football player crush. I love Taylor Swift so I was excited to read a loose story based of a singer’s career. I have to say that this story was pretty good. It was such a quick read and with the bit of mystery, you want to finish this book quicker. I do have to say that the storyline was good but didn’t have many strong conflicts. I felt there was a lot of background information missing that could have helped know more about the situation so readers can feel more attached to the books and the characters. This book is told from both Stone and Emerson’s pov. 

Emerson is a barista who wants to become a singer but so far nothing is happening. Then there is Stone who’s an NFL player and known to steal Emerson’s brother’s scholarship. Both characters were great and had good development throughout the book. I did wish we got to see more of their fake dating relationship playing out. There are many side characters in this book and I really loved Tilly who did anything she could to help Emerson but she did make questionable choices. The romance is cute and I loved the couple but I do have to say that there were too many tropes being played out. I did like the next door neighbor and fake dating part of the book. 

The ending was well done and we get a cute ending scene of how the couple ends up. This was an enjoyable read, perfect for the summer. I would have loved to see more fake dating playing out in this book and seeing the family approve of Stone as that was the main conflict of the story. 

*this book was sent to me by the author to give an honest review in return*