A review by soradsauce
Fury by Salman Rushdie


For my first Salman Rushdie experience, this seems like it was a good choice. I started out tentatively but by part two, I was completely involved in Professor Solanka's life and Rushdie had a very easy and succinct way of portraying human emotion, and uncontrollable human emotion, throughout the text. Although, at times, I popped out of the story slightly with the amount of convoluted and confused scenarios and scenes, but I'm not sure that was unintentional. The removal of the reader from the story seemed to make me, as the reader, compare Solanka et al to my life more than I usually do with stories that I'm completely enthralled in. It feels like Rushdie had a plan to use the book as a mirror, instead of the book being the normal mirror of society and self - it really emphasized that this story contained emotions that we all feel and struggle with. I will definitely be reading more Rushdie.