A review by beastreader
While They're Still Here: A Memoir by Patricia Williams


I have thought of the day that I will have to care for my parents but I hope that day is long aways away. Author, Patricia Williams shares the bad and the good times of being caretaker to her parents.

Reading this book, let me get a glimpse into Patricia and her parent's life. It was like I had known Patricia's parents for years. So, when they had "victories" I was smiling and happy for them. For example: Patricia's father could no longer be handy man around the house but he took it upon himself to construct a big dollhouse including painting it. The handy man who had come around to assist around the house, complimented Patricia's father on his work.

Additionally, I enjoyed the stories that Patricia's parents shared as they traveled down memory lane. As I read this book, again I can not help but imagine what that "someday" will be like for me and my parents. I enjoyed reading this memoir. If you don't take anything else away from this book, just remember that "always is not forever".