A review by blurrypetals
The Worst Best Man by Mia Sosa


Dang, gang, this was cute as all hell, y'all! This is the sort of read I am always looking for. It's cute, sexy, the setup between our main couple is fun and because of that setup, their banter is charming, and the whole story unfolds in an altogether pleasant and enjoyable fashion.

If you are at all the sort of person who regularly reads my reviews of these sorts of books, you might know I'm eternally in search of a romance that's as good as The Hating Game by Sally Thorne and, while this isn't quite as good as The Hating Game, it is extremely close in quality and it is basically just as enjoyable. The only reason this felt a bit lesser and didn't make it only the "Favorite Favorites of All Time Ever" was due to some hangups with the whole, "He can't possibly like me!" trope, which I'm never a big fan of.

That said, this was super heckin' cute and I am a huge huge fan of it! 5/7, would lie to my prospective boss and fall in love with my pitch partner again.