A review by popcorndiva
Forward the Foundation by Isaac Asimov


4.5 Stars

I have been reading through the Robots/Empire/Foundation series slowly over the past year or so. I adored every book in the Robots section and while I've enjoyed everything else in the series, I have been waiting for the emotional impact I felt from those first novels to hit me again. Be careful what you wish for because this hit hard.

This book continued the stories of the characters from Prelude to Foundation. I am so impressed with how the characters developed and changed. In the previous book, Hari Seldon was not always the most likable or complex character, but this book really developed him into someone I rooted for and cared about. Seeing his relationships grow with Dors and Raych really made him feel more real. The characters and their individual stories pulled at my heartstrings and left me in tears twice.

The plot was mostly great. I think the end felt a bit rushed and a tad bit unrealistic, but knowing that this book was written after the Foundation series as a way to connect all the novels together, I give it a pass. Writing a complex series like this, out of order and not initially intentionally connecting, is mind blowing. While there were a few minor conveniences in the plot, I still stand in awe of how Asimov wove this series together.

I have Foundation already checked out from the library and I am ready to read it! I cannot wait to get into the final few books of this series. Asimov has become one of my favorite authors and I cannot wait to finish out the series (hopefully before the year is over!)