A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
A Sea of Eternal Woe by R.L. Davennor


I have loads of bookcases. Most of my bookcases are organized by theme or sometimes authors even have an entire shelf for themselves. One of my themed bookcases is a Neverland bookcase. Another one is a fairytale retelling bookcase. So, when I saw the first book in this series I had to have it and when BookSirens let me know that the sequel was up and that I could request a copy I didn't hesitate either, especially because I was really looking forward to this journey.

Like the first book this book is only very loosely a retelling of the tale of the Little Mermaid. There are a few epic scenes that make an appearance and there are a few elements those stories have in common, but the author mostly wrote a completely original story with characters slightly based on fairytale characters. Which makes this an exciting adventure with a few familiar faces and elements, but most of all a lot of surprises and unexpected twists and turns.

It's also an adventure because our characters ARE literally having an adventure, a big one, outside of Neverland. And the author made quite clear how dangerous this adventure was, how often our characters had to fight for their lives and how often things can and will go wrong. The stakes are incredibly high and it's quite clear from the start that it's very possible that not every character will find their happily ever after.

This book also has an amazing storyline starring a Trans-character. I can't imagine how horrible it must be to know that you're a man and to be not only confronted with stupid pirates denying that claim, but to also be confronted with a body desperate to show you that you're quite clearly stuck in the wrong body. It's not the most prominent storyline in the book, it's basically one of the many personal challenges our characters face. It's however the one that hurt the most to read about.

I therefore, especially for this character, can't wait to read the next book!