A review by whatshawnareads
Unfollowing You by Komal Kapoor


3.5 Stars. I liked the writing, but nothing really stuck with me when I put the book down. I enjoyed that the poems followed a narrative, but I feel that there were a few that could have been left out in order to make the story flow better.

I do think the blurb perfectly describes this book and that it's extremely relatable to "dating" in the social media age with and trying to figure out not only how you feel, but how another person feels when neither of you are saying it out loud. There were a lot of times I was reading and would think I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this way, so I definitely recommend picking it up if you've ever been that person who overanalyzing every text and dreaming about the future.

Thanks to Andrew McMeel Publishing for the advance copy through Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.