A review by amybraunauthor
Capture the Crown by Jennifer Estep


A fun, thrilling story packed with adventure, betrayal, magic, and a dash of romance. I've been a long time fan of Jennifer Estep and while many of her signatures remain in this book, there are some great surprises as well.

The story follows Gemma, a princess and spy, as she tries to uncover a plot against her kingdom and all the realms. It isn't long before she finds herself in enemy territory, and she uncovers all sorts of schemes and dangers.

The plot works as a great opener to the trilogy, laying out the groundwork of characters, plot lines, and overarching story. While it doesn't have all the action typical Estep books do, it's nonetheless a thrilling and tense adventure.

Gemma is fierce, clever, and devoted. I thought she was a great hero, especially with her past traumas and flaws. It will be interesting to see how she develops from here. I liked many of the side characters, and am a little conflicted/interested in Leo. He is definitely complicated and made some choices that he still needs to answer for, but I'm excited to see how he progresses in future books.

Like all of Estep's work, the pacing and prose move quickly and are easy to follow. She creates a simple and easy to relate to world, and the adventure seems more real than most. I would love to see more of the gargoyles and strixes, which call to my fantasy heart.

Fans of Estep's work will find a lot to enjoy in this series, or if you're someone looking for an easy read to take to the beach or cabin or read on a weekend.