A review by c_marie_writes
Booted by Pam Godwin


This series... simply amazing, but what else can you expect from the awesome Pam Godwin.

Book 3 is probably my favorite of the 3, but they are all damn good, (book 2 was my least favorite).

PG knows how to write dark, suspenseful, thriller-style romance, and this book highlighted that to perfection. Lorne and Raina have that perfect enemies-to-lovers thing going on, but it works perfectly in this one. We met Raina in book 2 when she was with John, Jake & Jarrett's father. There was a hint of some unhappiness in her eyes, but in the end, we figured out why. This one picks up as Lorne is getting out of prison, (you need to read these in order, why he's there is explained in that one). Raina is already at the ranch, healing from being rescued.

She has a goal, but no experience in what needs to be done, and he is a felon who can help, but carefully.

The book is a great ride from beginning to end!