A review by fishgirl182
Blaze of Memory by Nalini Singh


I was a bit disappointed in this one. First of all, I think this is one of the first books where the main characters are not part of the core Psy-Changeling groups we are used to. Dev and Katya both appeared in previous books but there wasn't much buildup to this one and I was surprised that they were getting their own story. After reading Branded By Fire I was sure it was going to be Hawke's story but I guess Singh wanted to save it for later.

Dev was an interesting character but underdeveloped. He has this interesting new power with metals but we don't learn much about it or what he can do with it. He also blows very hot and cold. He hates Katya at first but then he falls madly in love with her. Katya wasn't the strongest character, either. I don't really blame her after the terrible ordeal she went through but I would have liked to see more of her bad ass side at times. I know this is a romance book and they're often not that realistic but in this case I found it especially so. I am not sure what their relationship is based on except for Katya's need for protection and Dev's affinity for abused women.

Another thing that bothered me was the solution to Katya's "death." It was a little too easy. I mean, she's basically dying and then these kids suddenly have the power to heal brains? Where did that come from? I am sure it will come up later in the series but it came out of nowhere in this book. So not my favorite book but I still enjoy the series and will continue with the next one.