A review by nicoleabouttown
Archetype by M.D. Waters


Let me start off by saying I normally stay away from any kind of book that has massive ‘hype’ behind it. It’s not to say that I don’t read the most anticipated books, but I do tend to read them way after they are published; specifically to stay away from all of the hype. I do this, because the hype tends to impact my enjoyment of the book. 9 times out of 10, I don’t enjoy the ‘hype’ books at all, and the other 1 out of 10 times, I enjoy the book but not to the extent that everyone else seems to. Breaking my own rule, I decided to take a chance on Archetype by M.D. Waters and read what is arguably one of the most ‘hyped’ books of the winter 2014 publishing season. The results you ask?


For those of you who like me love the New Adult genre, but are waiting for something with more teeth than your typical coming of age story, Archetype by M.D. Waters is that story. It’s different, fresh, and innovative. Archetype is a story that begs not just to be read, but to be experienced by the reader. There is something that just grabs you right from the beginning and sucks you right into Emma’s story and her world and doesn’t let you go. Finally a ‘hype’ book that lives up to all of the hype surrounding it.

Normally, I am not a fan of love triangles at all. They tend to annoy me greatly as it shows the characters lack of knowing their own minds and hearts. In Archetype, the love triangle is central to the plot and done so, so well that sometimes you really aren’t sure who you are rooting for. Each of the male main characters plays their role to a T. Both so different, and mysterious in their own ways, the reader and Emma alike are never quite sure just who is to be trusted or if they can be trusted at all. The conflict, confusion, and uncertainty that Emma goes through is just so real that the reader can’t help being drawn right in. How can Emma possibly know her own mind or heart when she has no memories to speak of?

The world that Archetype is set in may not exactly be a ‘new’ concept, but it is certainly done better than others I have read. It’s such a tricky thing to tie a world and society like the one in Archetype to the story and actually have it work. Does that mean that it’s not utterly terrifying to imagine this kind of a reality? Of course not. As we learn more about the world Emma lives in, and as a result, more of the mystery surrounding Emma is revealed, it is equally terrifying and fascinating.

Archetype by M.D. Waters, for me, is a must-have must-read book. Once you pick it up, not only will you not be able to put it down, but you will be dying for more. Lucky for both me and you, the follow-up book Prototype will be out in July 2014, so we don’t have that long of a wait to find out what happens in this utterly riveting story. I applaud you M.D. Waters for creating a story so captivating that readers will be buzzing about it for a long time to come.