A review by aduarte
Edge of Wild by D.K. Stone



I wasn’t sure what to expect coming into the book. I was worried that it may not be quite my type of read, but how mistaken I was. What I loved most about Edge of Wild by D.K. Stone was how it was written. It read like you are watching a TV show, and being a TV fanatic I thought this was amazing. I don’t mean to say that it was written in a script format by the way. I can’t quite explain it but when I was reading it, I kept imagining it as a TV show in my head. I could even see where in the book each episode will finish, leaving you wanting more. I believe that this book will make an amazing thriller TV show and someone should definitely get on it.

Once the story gets going, I couldn’t put the book down. It plays with your mind and you too, start to think if what is going on is actually real. I just kept begging to myself, for one more page, just one more chapter. I needed to know who the killer was, not sleep. #SleepIsForTheWeak

The way Stone describes Waterton makes you believe that you are there, and makes you want to be there for real (minus the murders of course). The setting is breathtakingly beautiful and so well crafted. Perfect for a story full of murder and a sprinkle of romance.

Initially, I don’t know if I liked Rich that much. I felt a bit like the locals felt. Like, what is this outsider trying to do to this beautiful and still in the edge of wilderness town. Is he trying to take all the charm away? You may think so, but underneath the surface there is so much more going on. Not all is as it seems.

Lou on the other hand is such an adorably cute character, and I love her stories. There is always a meaning behind them and if you pay enough attention you may pick up on some of the clues.

In the end, I’m so glad that I got out of my YA bubble and gave this book a chance because it was a truly enjoyable read. If you like beautiful settings, wilderness, murder and mystery this is the perfect book for you.

Thankfully, I already have the second book with me so I can dive back in to the beautiful Waterton. Make sure to tune back in for my blog tour stop for The Dark Divide on the 20th of April, it comes with a amazing guest post by the author D.K. Stone.

Rating: ★★★★✬

Edge of Wild by D.K. Stone is available in paperback and you can get it now on Amazon.

Thanks D.K. Stone for sending me a paperback copy of Edge of Wild in exchange for my honest review.

*FangirlSince1988 xxx