A review by randomly_kait
Glimmerglass by Jenna Black


Usually, in books like this, the Faerie world is always hidden away and kept hush hush. But in Glimmerglass, Everyone knows about Faerie, and Avalon is a place where both Fae and Humans live(It reminded me somewhat of Disney World). You see things in Avalon that you wouldn't quite expect to see in a Faerie world, such as Starbucks, and a Victoria's secret. I loved the Characters, especially Finn and Keane. (Even though Keane is mostly a minor character) And although Ethan seems like a player, there is something abut him that makes you think he's not a complete pig. I definitely can't wait for the next book in the Faeriewalker series, and I'm kinda hoping Dana will end up with Keane instead of Ethan. Or, at least, someone will put Ethan in his place and he won't be such a.... never mind. If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all, right? lol

*TEAM KEANE* (Obviously!)