A review by cctblog
Ninja Girl by Cookie O'Gorman


I have to admit, after loving Adorkable, I'm feeling let down by Ninja Girl. Honestly, it feels like every aspect of the plot besides the love story was only half thought out. Mean girls who hate Snow? They feel like a big deal, then just fade out a quarter of the way through the novel. Snow goes back to high school to protect Ash? Seems like it could be a goldmine, yet after the first day, it's hardly mentioned. The bad guys? SOOOOO obvious. I just didn't feel like anything was clearly drawn out—it was all just kind of filler to get us from Point A (Snow and Ash meet) to Point B (Snow and Ash get together).

I will say that O'Gorman knows how to write romance. I loved Snow and Ash together, and their "meet cute" was unexpected and adorable. But the rest of the novel—and characters—fell flat. 2-1/2 stars.

Note: There's quite a bit of swearing in the novel (no "f-bombs," but just about everything else) and a couple misuses of Jesus' name. Definitely PG-13 territory.