A review by chuckstafer
We Need to Do Something by Max Booth III


So I have a lot of questions about his book, but the first and most relevant (to the story and to my understanding of the novella) is: WTF was that?

Max Booth III's writing is really well done on this novella, so the anxiety, fear, anger, etc. that the family feels, really came across as you read the story. But SO much was left unanswered and I really struggled with understanding what was real, what was a dream, and what was Nyquil-induced.

One of the main reasons I only gave this novella s 3-star rating, was that the family was SO ANNOYING. The father's constant berating and cursing, the daughter's constant "OMGs" and whining, and even the younger brother's constant talk of farts and butts, just got so overdone and annoying. I really failed to connect with any of the characters very well.

The story was intriguing enough to keep me going, but ultimately fell a bit flat for me.