A review by leighs_little_library
A Parent Apart by Gary Wright


WOW. This book....this was a tough read. There are lots of trigger warnings I should mention, mainly child death and suicide.

You read this story for multiple different POV from an array of characters, which I think adds to the emotion and atmosphere of the words on the pages.

Andrew is put in the worst possible situation, where he has to choose between saving his own daughter or the son of his friend. The consequences and events that follow are heart breaking and tragic.

Gary writes this story so well, keeping the pace of the book, willing you to keep reading. I have to admit I had a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes at a few points and I audibly gasped at the end!

As a parent, this has to be one of the hardest books I've read. "Enjoyed" is not the right word for how I felt about this book. I don't think you can "enjoy" a book with this subject matter but it is a book that I would definitely recommend.

My only criticism is that the very last chapter wasn't needed. It would have ended perfect with the OMG moment.

One of my favourite reads of the year!