A review by justabridge
Fairies: A Dangerous History by Richard Sugg


I enjoyed this! It had a good overall point - got a bit weird in the middle when he talks about ghosts and fairies being real, but it ties together nicely at the end, and the scholarly bits that make up the majority are pretty good! I just wished that a few of the points were a bit more overt, particularly in the later chapters that cover Shakespeare on, which felt more like a literary review and a history of art essay. I understood what Sugg was trying to do - to discuss monumental portrayals of fairies that shaped the way people thought about them, but it felt like these needed a bit more shaping and a bit more groundwork to really narrow down to the point. The blurb and the introduction say that the book focuses on the question of fairies and danger, but I felt like this got a bit lost in the latter half of the book, which is why this is three stars. I did really like Sugg’s voice and style in this, and it was very well researched.