A review by bibliogirl
Dreaming Up: A Celebration of Building by Christy Hale


Imagine yourself as a child again, building with your favorite blocks. Were they wooden, balanced precariously or placed precisely? Was cardboard a favored construction material for you, or were you fond, perhaps, of Lego or other snap together pieces? Think back, just for a moment; remember the feeling you had as architect, as master builder, as creator of contained space. Then read Dreaming Up ,by Christy Hale and relive that feeling and much more.
Hale has not only captured the wonder of children building with favorite materials, she’s skillfully mirrored their constructions with real works architecture. Or possibly she’s mirrored the architecture in child’s play; either way, the treatment of this subject is powerful. This book is a delightful exploration of edifices found all around the world. Included in the end notes is coverage not only of the famous structures but of the architects themselves. Valuable resource and a delightful experience, paging through this book.