A review by michinio
Сердце-зверь by Herta Müller


I love any kind of art which is "dark" - literature, graphic, music, movies, anything.. but I generally don't like poetry, I don't understand that art what is widely accepted as a poetry - poems I mean. But after finishing this book I think this has already bit changed.

While reading I had a feeling similar to the one I head with [b:One Hundred Years of Solitude|320|One Hundred Years of Solitude|Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1327881361s/320.jpg|3295655] (which in all I did not like). In the beginning I thought of the characters to be unrealistic and definitely paranoid, but roughly after middle point I started to get into the story, character's fears, emotions and the root cause of the psychological environment around. and I finally accepted the fact that this is not a prose but a poetry. and in the end the book finished with the feeling that happens not so frequently - that maybe (MAYBE!) I will need to reread it someday in the future... maybe.