A review by lizaroo71
Gods Without Men by Hari Kunzru


review The writing here is strong, but I felt the threads didn't quite come together as cohesively as I would have liked.

There are several people and time periods represented here, but the commonality is a location in the Mojave desert, the Pinnacles. These rock formations may harness some magnetic power of the earth or work as a conduit between two worlds.

Kunzru stays clear of defining what exactly is happening in the area. He, instead, gives several scenarios and people that have been affected by this area and makes an attempt to connect them.

At the heart of the story is a couple with a young son that is autistic. Their son, Raj, goes missing while the family is vacationing near the Pinnacles. When Raj returns, he is different somehow, but he is not able to verbalize what exactly has happened to him. His father, Jaz, becomes obsessed with wanting to know what exactly happened to his son while he was gone.

The different looks at culture are interesting, but the science is left at the wayside part way through the book. (less)