A review by tony
The Triumph of Evil by Paul Kavanagh, Lawrence Block


“The mistake everyone makes is to believe that the alternative to change is preservation of the status quo. And this is so rarely true. The alternative to change is another sort of change.”

This was written immediately after the original Tanner series (although originally published under a pseudonym), and with a not-too-dissimilar feel to it, albeit with a much darker tone. Yet even though the Balkans or Baltics have changed much more significantly than the US since the 1960s, this book seems more dated. Maybe it's just trapped in the uncanny valley, where too much of it is still recognisable and plausible, making the parts that aren't jar too much.

NB: The reissued ebook seems to have been created by OCRing an original, as there are quite a few errors in the text (‘to’ becoming ‘lo’; ‘face’ becoming ‘fare’; a somewhat humorous ‘Central Pink West’ etc.)