A review by d0nnaw0ng
The Chaos of Now by Erin Jade Lange


Rating: 4.25/5

Eli, a sophomore in HS always thought he was super smart, a major computer geek who can hack into any system he want and he definitely have the ability. He once even hacked into the police department database and disclosed police officer's address! Which was brought to the attention of some gang members and they went on a shooting spree at a police officer's house!!! Luckily the police and his family wasn't home to experience the shooting!!

He didn't get into trouble at that time since nobody traced it to him. Now he's pulled into creating a website to commemorate/revenge people who hurt Joseph Bishop (a kid who committed suicide) and participate in a cybersecurity competition he thought he can was at the top of the world. However he and his teammates are not meeting eye to meeting on a lot of matters and it went downhill fast!

It has an exciting storyline and I love books and movies involving internet hacking however it didn't surprise me like the way I thought it would. I was expecting more twist and turns. More deceiving. More lies.

I do like all the characters. They all had evolved and changed so much, especially Eli and Mouse! I was completely surprised by Mouse and I really like Isabel! The innocent romance story is really cute and It was fun to read. Wish I was a teenager again after reading it!