A review by ijustkindalikebooks
A History of Women in Men's Clothes: From Cross-Dressing to Empowerment by Norena Shopland


I saw this pop up on Netgalley and was intrigued by its premise, as I've never seen a book about this subject, and now I am even more curious about the women who appear in this book as Norena Shopland brings them to life and our attention for the first time.

Informative and interesting, I also appreciated how Shopland reintroduced different case studies, but not in a way that is repetitive but reminiscent to take us back to previous moments in the book - something I find often happens in non fiction, however Shopland crafts this book incredibly well and keeps you fascinated from beginning to end.

A really intriguing and interesting book that explores the stories of women from across the world, Shopland really has delved deep to share the stories of the people who appear in this book. I feel so fortunate that now, it doesn't matter who gets to wear the trousers.