A review by fastasashark
A Two-Spirit Journey: The Autobiography of a Lesbian Ojibwa-Cree Elder by Ma-Nee Chacaby


I don't know what to say, this was such a great book! When I read about or meet people like Ma-Nee Chacaby who have such an immense capacity for compassion and have such a rare gift for connecting with other people, I can't help but feel so much admiration and can't help but look up to them. This was such a great read on so many levels. Not sure how to do it full justice but I very much recommend this autobiography. It was also interesting to learn about the process of how it was retold and written in the afterword. For me this was definitely a book where I felt I learned a lot from hearing about another person's life experiences and the knowledge they have to pass on from those experiences, and it was also one that made me want to reflect on my own life.