A review by naika
Surrender by Brenda Jackson

Did not finish book. Stopped at 30%.
Ok. Absolutely not. I was trying to overlook some of the dated language and stereotypes, particularly as it related to Africans and Native Americans. I also tried my damnedest to look past some of the persistence of the male love interest. He was unrelenting in his determination to force the female love interest into accepting the fact that they were destined to be married. I get he had visions or whatever, but the complete disregard for her feelings wasn't doing it for me. Try as I might with the aforementioned issues, what I can’t and won't do is sit here and be ok with the fact he broke into her home and was lurking at the edge of her bed while she was asleep. It wasn't a dream, or a figment of her imagination. He found out where she lived, entered her home without her knowledge or consent, and then convinced her to "let him make love to her this way" (i.e. prevent her from questioning what the hell he was doing in her house and why he was touching up on her). That’s some certifiable creep shit. I don't care that this is a romance novel and that sometimes liberties are taken. This is too far in my book and I don't see how in the hell you can expect me to root for a couple when one partner has some clear boundaries issues. On to the next.