A review by hanaelzohiry
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K. Rowling


Okay, I have to admit that starting to read this book right after watching the movie messed me up because the movie is quite literally missing 90% of the story.

I have to admit that Lockheart is a legitimate ass who doesn't deserve the attention he was getting I mean he reminds me of a wannabe influencer on tik tok doing all that he can to seem relevant! LOL! Also, I am so surprised at how rude and "out to get Harry" Snape is - the movies truly make it seem like he's just trying to adhere to the rules but in the books there's legit so much more that comes with Snape's actions. And I'm honestly really intrigued to see how Snape's character arc will shape up to be.

Though in true Harry Potter fashion, there are scenes that get you hooked in just reciting the script: RONALD WEASLEY!! How DARE you steal that car?!? I am ABSOLUTELY disGUSTED..." I have to say I'm a little upset that the scene in Knockturn Alley with the Malfoy's wasn't in the movie - you get to know so much more about the dynamic between Draco and Lucius!

I'm definitely really happy I'm finally getting through these books, and I genuinely think that there's something about reading a series that I love watching that brings a full circle moment to the whole ordeal.

This though, was my least favourite book, but I have to say I'm now able to understand this series more because of all the "inside scoop" I'm getting from the scenes in the book that aren't in the movie.