A review by joabroda
The Archer's Tale by Bernard Cornwell

adventurous medium-paced


 A grand adventure of the beginning of the 100 Years War between France and England. The story tells of Thomas, a budding Archer, as he travels from his small village across the Channel and France, joining the war machine of Edward III and his destruction of the French. However, Thomas has more on his mind than Edwards' goals. He is on a personal mission to recover an artifact that was stolen from his small towns church. This is my first Cornwall book, and there is no good reason why I waited so long.

Cornwall has a great way with battle, his writing bringing you right into the bloody action. They got a bit long winded for my taste, but still I carried on. Cornwall leaves a historical fact essay at the end of the book and from what I know and what I read he has done his research. Always a plus for me.

This is a 4 book series which I plan to continue. I am sure I will then look for Cornwall to read, suggestions are welcome.