A review by phoebe_the_titan_of_prophecy
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo


this book has made it on to one of my absolute favorites. granted, it was a little darker than the rest of leigh bardugo. still one of the best speaking of the best, its KAZ! the murdering, gang filled, rich, kind of a psycho teenager. his backstory was so sad, so was inej's. inej was one of my favorite characters just because she is a literal gymnast and she is kaz's crush i totally ship them. lets talk about jesper oh jesper, my man, my main man! amazing character except for that one thing, also he's a fabrickator like who would expect that! Nina my favorite thing about her is her love of sweets i can totally relate to that and her relationship with matthias is so cute i love them so much
the acual story <3 i love it so much i love a good heist. anyway definnatly read this