A review by brontesauruses
The Fairy Bargains of Prospect Hill by Rowenna Miller

Did not finish book. Stopped at 48%.
Thank you to the publisher and Edelweiss+ for giving me an egalley in exchange for an honest review.
Didn't finish, so no rating.
About a month ago, I set it down after doing some skimming, and it's time for me to accept that I just don't want to read this anymore, at least not right now. It had been moving pretty slowly, which I don't mind if I'm enjoying it otherwise, or if there's a decent payoff for it, but there wasn't; to be confronted with Alaine making an ill-advised bargain with the fae that will DEFINITELY scar her daughter for life after putting up with pages and pages of Delphine's shitty husband...I just don't think I have it in me to keep plugging along.
Maybe I'll go back to it eventually, who knows. There's good material here, but I'm just not feeling it.

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