A review by ld153
Shards of a Broken Crown by Raymond E. Feist


Final in the series. Starting a couple of months after the previous one left off this book was picking up the shattered pieces of the Kingdom. The general has named himself king in on part of the Kingdom. Krondor is burned ruins. Kesh wants to expand their borders. Kingdom soldiers are tired and war weary.

This book was kind of slow moving to start off with, as pieces of the West were slowing being put back together. I really wanted someone to punch Prince Patrick in the face... what actually happened was hilarious. He Got TOLD!! Dash & Jimmy are once again in the service of the crown, Jimmy being named an Earl and Dash being named the Sheriff of Krondor (I look forward to hearing more about his adventures, he is very much like Jimmy the Hand). Erik is fighting to free the Kingdom of the mercenaries. Roo is once again building his business. Nakor is creating a new religion, and is still awesome. Pug & Miranda are married and appear when Nakor discovers something. This book was a good finale to the series.