A review by git_r_read
Tarnished and Torn by Juliet Blackwell


I love this series! I would love to be friends with Lily, the main character. I've enjoyed reading the series and watching her grow in her character and in her life in San Francisco where she is accepted as a witch. She has friends and owns a popular vintage clothing shop. She also finds herself investigating magical mysteries.
This could be hokey or too precious for words, but it's gritty, funny, suspenseful. Lily is drawn into the mystery in a very believable way, which is key with me. It's a great setting of San Francisco and it feels real to me. The history of the city and of witches and gems moves the story marvelously.
I think my favorite character is Oscar, Lily's familiar. He's a gargoyle who shifts into a potbelly pig when around humans. He's adorably ornery and cares for Lily. They make a good team.
This is the first time I've had a chance to listen to a book in the series. I hope it won't be the last.
I can definitely recommend this book, series and author.