A review by bizlet
Gender Mosaic: Beyond the Myth of the Male and Female Brain by Luba Vikhanski, Daphna Joel


For people who are persuaded by more scientific information this book does a great job of summarizing research done on the question of a "male" brain vs "female" brain and breaks down how while there are trends overall, individually you can't tell much about a person by only knowing their sex assigned at birth.

The last section on a world without gender definitely drifted from research and into opinion but I felt that it made sense from the authors' points of view. If knowing a person's assigned sex at birth doesn't help you much in daily life, then why bother with it at all? There are a bunch of other characteristics that could help better define a person as they are instead of what you think they should be.

I liked the book and I also get that I'm already bought in to the arguments they made.