A review by slichto3
The Salmon of Doubt: Hitchhiking the Galaxy One Last Time by Douglas Adams


I'm very torn about rating this book, because it's just so many things crammed into a binding. Basically, it's a collection of essays that Douglas Adams had written, including a short story from the Hitchhiker's Guide series, and the first few chapters of an incomplete Dirk Gently book. It's so, so much fun reading what Douglas Adams writes. His writing is full of energy and wit and charm, and is just a pleasure to read. That's one of the great parts of the book. But it's clear that the editors who put this book together after Adams's death just sort of jumbled a bunch of his stuff together. It feels like a cash grab, which is really irritating after you read the multiple introductions written by people who just feel utterly pleased with themselves and their ability to package somebody else's work. So, really, the book is kind of a mess and unfocused, but is sometimes really fun. I probably wouldn't recommend it. Instead, read the books that Adams actually has written and completed. Reread them when you finish them. They, and Douglas Adams, are terrific.