A review by themaritimereader14
An Unthinkable Thing by Nicole Lundrigan


It's been a while since I read a really good thriller, and this creepy book (my first by this author!) certainly fit the bill. There was a lot to unpack here, and there are a few content warnings that I'll share in the comment section, but overall the writing and format of this book definitely kept me guessing and kept me turning the pages! It was, at times, difficult to read because I felt quite sad for the lot in life experienced by the characters that the reader is meant to root for, but I did find the ending wholly satisfying (don't want to say much more without spoiling).

The book starts off with an introduction to the main child protagonist - Tommie/Thomas who lives with his aunt and sees his mother infrequently. After a tragic event occurs, Tommie goes to live with his mother at her place of employment and residence, the home of the wealthy Henneburys, who have been entangled in her life in a somewhat superior capacity since she was a child. All is not how it seems at this house and the reader's first introduction to this house actually comes in the form of case notes from a murder case for which Tommie has been considered the most likely offender.

It was fascinating to read all of the evidence and go back a bit to before the murders to see how it could have all unfolded. All in all, I found this compelling and quick and well-written. It's not 100% my genre of choice at all times just because these days I'm in it for the happy go lucky escapism of a book but I am definitely open to reading other books by this author! Cannot wait to chat with her and the @canadianbookenablers on February 28.