A review by haletostilinski1
Medley by Layla Reyne


3.5 stars rounded up!

I enjoyed Bas and Jacob together, they were sweet together, and it was fun reading what happens when they finally get to the olympics and get to that medley relay they've all been stressing over for so long.

There is some drama here and there, but it wasn't near as heavy as in the first book, and in some ways I enjoyed that and in some ways I didn't that much. It was nice that this wasn't as drama filled as the first one, but I also felt that what drama there was, didn't quite feel right, like it wasn't genuine.

Like the relationship that Bas screwed up 4 years before in the last olympics,
Spoilerthe guy is there this time and tries to cause trouble but it didn't really go anywhere. So while there wasn't any OTT silliness with the drama...there also wasn't enough, and in the end I felt like "what was the point?" of this character coming back. He had barely any part in anything that he never felt like a real threat beyond the first meeting of him, and then he tries to get Bas back yet I never felt that much yearning or desire or plain want from the guy for Bas. He was felt pretty much...there, with lackluster attempts at trying to cause drama for these two. I didn't buy it.

There is also some drama with one of the female swimmers, but that felt a tad lackluster in that it only took about two conversations for her to get over shit and be a good friend to Jacob. Not that I want her to be a biphobic asshole, but I feel like in real life people who act like she act rarely get it after one actual conversation pointing out to her her stupidity. I mean I guess it wasn't that unrealistic, but it also, again, imo, left for very little drama and made what drama there was easily fixed.

It just left me with a bit of "what is the point of introducing these characters if they barely even did anything?" kind of feeling. And that reminds me, Dane's parents stop by in the story for like 5 seconds and then get bowled over pretty easily, so I also wonder what the point was of them showing up again. These characters meant to insight drama just didn't feel necessary in the story to me.

But I did enjoy Bas and Jacob's story, I loved their chemistry - although the sex scenes could have been steamier, imo - and I enjoyed their romance. I also enjoyed the secondary characters introduced - Jacob's father and cousin, and Bas's mother (although I wish we had gotten more of her) - and I loved seeing Alex and Dane again, happy and in love.

And Alex and Dane make me wish that we totally could get an open kiss at the olympics or any sporting event between two LGBT+ people because we never actually get that. Of course only in fiction does that actually happen - unfortunately ;)

So overall...I feel like I might be flipped as I saw not many enjoyed the first but a few have enjoyed this one more...but I didn't quite enjoy this one as much as the first one. The only true plot point in this book was getting Bas and Jacob together and it totally could have happened sooner, but was drawn out for the melodrama of it all, in my opinion. (Like Bas not just talking to Jacob about his reasons for pulling back until he almost loses Jacob, of course. That's almost always how it is, isn't it? It's frustrating, imo, the lack of communication. Which is understandable to a point...but when it takes basically a whole book to communicate - and nothing like misunderstandings or bad feelings and whatnot get in the way - then it just feels ridiculous).

So...still a good read for me, still enjoyable with enjoyable MC's with good chemistry and an adorable romance. Just not as good as other works I've read by this author.

***ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review***