A review by ineslts
Daughter of Sparta by Claire M. Andrews


Greek mythology, a female warrior, a story that takes place in ancient Greece, a quest with one of the Gods, magic, adventures and meeting several important names in the mythology through this journey? Well, say no more, it might as well have my name on it!

Filled with a magnificent cocktail of some of my most favourite things as a reader, it goes straight for my love for Greek mythology first and it does not disappoint. Like the author, I was always bugged by how women were represented in the old myths and wished for better.

Well, Claire Andrews answered those wishes in full!

So go on, open this book and take on a quest of the Gods to save the world! It'll be painful, there will be sacrifices and we all know how the Gods of Olympus can be but I promise you that, in the end, you would do it all over again...