A review by jenbsbooks
The Glass Castle by Trisha White Priebe

Did not finish book.


This will be a DNF for me. I just was not enjoying it at all. As an adult, I really enjoy YA ... but this has to have been aimed at the elementary age. The kids in the story are all 13-years old, but the book reads younger than that. Very juvenile.

Then there was the preaching. Literal preaching, from a 13-year old chaplain. Really? So much talk of prayers and God and the bible and and actual sermons. Even IF I was a fan of Christian fiction, I would have felt this was over the top.

The blurb I read originally from the library seemed to outline an action/mystery about kidnapped kids. I went into this thinking it was contemporary and realistic ... if I'd read the GoodReads blurb I would have seen it was children's fantasy. It was not absolutely obvious from the start though. Although I suspected, I wasn't sure. We had Avery and her brother running away from someone, going to hide in their treehouse. When kidnapped, Avery says "My father will find you and he'll prosecute you to the full extent of the law" ... that sounds a little more modern than in a make-believe kingdom. But then, it became obvious that this was anything but real. Unbelievably unreal, even for fantasy.

Everything was rubbing me the wrong way ... the characters, the way they spoke, the way the castle was set up. EVERY SINGLE THING annoyed me. So ... even though I was over halfway, and I like to finish what I start. I stopped. Glancing at other reviews, it looks like this book doesn't resolve at all anyway, and I certainly would not have continued on. So no harm in cutting it short early I guess. I really don't care about knowing what happens ...